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How to Talk To Men

Shimar Keith

Updated: Dec 20, 2021

Jesus In a Wine Commercial

The ministry of men is near and dear to the heart of Feasts of God. We consider it our sacred duty to help men mature past their limiting biases and broken self images. To that end, we have long given thought to how to best communicate to men in way that will promote healthy thoughts and discussions.

We have named what we found the "beer commercial model". We are by no means encouraging you to drink! Instead, we invite you to consider the mythology behind beer advertisements. We believe it offers down to earth insights that are easily digested and applied even if we disagree with their motivations.

We are including a document with a script (to illustrate our findings) that lays out the theory and logic of this model and a brief PowerPoint presentation that condenses our findings to an easily presentable format. Our prayer is that you will find this material helpful and hopeful and that it will be used to reach a lot of men for the kingdom!

We welcome your questions at

This material is for anyone who wishes to learn or teach another way to engage men.

  1. Download the script and the PowerPoint.

  2. Read over the script to become familiar with the literature.

  3. Present the PowerPoint using the script as a guide.

  4. Bonus: There is a 5 minute presentation on the last page of the PowerPoint presentation that provides and example of what the model looks like in practice. Check it out!

Pastor Shimar is a seminary student and lead pastor of Feasts of God church. Follow him on most social media platforms @ShimarKeithSays.

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